Our summer camp program runs for six, one-week themed sessions. Register for a single week, a few select weeks, or the entire summer.

Registration for Camp Farmstead 2025 will open at 9am on March 1st!

Camp Farmstead 2025 Registration Coming Soon!

Time: Monday-Friday 9am-3:30pm.

2025 Dates

June 9th - 13th: Gardening and Farmstead Skills

June 16th - 20th: Water Wonders

June 23rd - 27th: Critters of the Cove

June 30th - 11th: BREAK

July 14th - 18th : Gardening and Farmstead Skills

July 21st - 25th: Water Wonders

July 28th - August 1st: Critters of the Cove


Ages: Potty-trained through 12 years-old *1 staff to every 8 campers​ and two groups are formed by staff taking age into consideration.


Registration: March 1st - May 18th | $350.00 per camper per week. Additional campers can be added $325.00 per week per camper - use code SIBLING when registering.

50% of your registration fees will be paid upon enrollment and is non-refundable. The other 50% will be due by May 1st and becomes non-refundable on May 1st.


Multiple Week Discount: If you are enrolling your camper(s) in all 6 weeks, we will deduct $25 per week from your final invoice, due May 1st. ​Note that siblings or the second camper registered does not qualify for this additional discount.


Snack & Lunch: Provided daily from home.


Daily Flow:

 **Means both groups are doing this at the same time

9:00 am** - Arrival and Free-play

9:30 am** - Group Welcome and Theme Story Time

10:00 am - Large Group Splits Into Two: Field (F) and School Yard (SY)

10:10 am** - Hand Wash, Bathroom, Snack Time

10:45 am (SY) - Theme based Craft 

10:45 am (F) - Theme based activity

12:00 pm** - Handwash, Lunch, Bathroom and Free-play

1:00 pm - Field Group and School Yard groups switch locations

1:15 pm(SY) - Theme Based Craft

1:15 pm(F) - Theme Activity Time

2:00pm - Free-play

2:30/2:45 pm - Groups come back together and Free-Play

3:00 - 3:30pm - PICK-UP and Nature Notes and Theme Story Time


REGISTRATION WILL OPEN MARCH 1st, 2025 at 9am here on our website

Critters of the Cove

Explore the animals that live in our cove forest. Observe butterflies and salamanders, explore the dirt, and pretend to be an animal yourself!  We will also play games that explore what sounds animals make, how they walk, and how they camouflage into their environments.  Imagination will run wild this week as we design and become our own critters, move nectar like bees, build a giant bird’s nest, and make our very own BUGnoculars!

Water Wonders

Discover the wonders of water! We’ll splash in the creek, water the garden, paint with watercolors, and learn about what makes water so unique.  We will explore how water takes the shape of ice, predict what objects will sink or float, and play in the sprinkler. We also explore tie-dying with ice--we will provide everything needed!

Gardening and Farmstead Skills

Let’s dig in the dirt and learn skills to be more sustainable! Join us for a week of planting, eating, and learning around the Farmstead’s Garden.  We will plant a seed to take home and watch grow, design our own gardens, harvest herbs from around the Farmstead, and learn all about composting.  We will also make our own reusable beeswax sandwich wraps, take cuttings of plants to bring home, and paint with berries.

REGISTRATION WILL OPEN MARCH 1st, 2025 at 9am here on our website

Cedarsong Way Accredited School

Asheville Farmstead School is proud to be one of four internationally accredited Cedarsong® Way Schools.

The Cedarsong Way is a compassion-based nature pedagogy that promotes kindness, respect, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, social connection, teamwork, cooperation and self-empowerment.  “The Cedarsong Way stimulate children’s inherent love for and feelings of stewardship towards nature; it provides children with an understanding of the self-soothing aspect of nature; and, through the unstructured flow learning, it encourages children’s natural love of science resulting in a deeper understanding and superior retention of natural science principles”.

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