January 2024 Nature Notes

Sprouts The sprouts rang in the new year with lots of ice exploration at the farmstead. Each morning they excitedly search for ice each in the pots and pans and in the creek. They have been practicing using different types of tools to chip apart the ice or smash it into small pieces. Using their […]

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November Nature Notes

Sprouts: November has brought colder temperatures and frosty mornings at the farmstead. The sprouts have been getting lots of practice developing independence with their layers, listening to their body if they get too hot or cold. With the temperatures dropping, the sprouts have been spending more time in the chicken field running around to get […]

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October Nature Notes 2023

Explorers Nature Notes Fall is in full swing here at the Farmstead! The Explorers had the wonderful opportunity to witness the colors of the leaves start to change. We enjoyed trying to catch the leaves as they blew in the wind off the trees. The month started warm but a bit cooler in the mornings […]

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Explorer Nature Notes September 2023

September was a fun month as the Explorers returned to school! We had the experience of being part of nature as the Summer ended and watching the Fall season begin. We enjoyed learning about the native plants and animals located in the heart of Western North Carolina. We took expeditions into the forest to learn […]

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Sprout Nature Notes September 2023

The new school year has been off to a great start for the Sprouts. They have quickly grown accustomed to our daily flow, developed independence with their belongings, and made lots of new friends. We have noticed all the ways that plants spread their seeds at this time of year. From the jewel weed seeds […]

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April’s Sprouts Nature Notes

Spring is in full swing and things are finally green! The Sprouts’ imaginations have been in full swing this month too! They have been using creek water and rocks and walnuts to make some delicious soups, as always, they’ve opened up their pretend ice cream shops, the cold weather this winter didn’t slow down their […]

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April’s Littlest Learners Nature Notes

April has been the month of spotting pollinators! Friends on the farmstead have been looking actively for bees and butterflies. This month we learned about our native bees and how we can help them find a home along with providing them with some native flowers for nectar. The class was even able to observe a […]

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March’s Sprouts Nature Notes

Spring is in the air and this month the Sprouts have been excitedly discovering new creatures and plants as the forest begins to come back to life. We have been treated to the songs of birds above and the Sprouts drumming on logs down below. The warmer weather has also led to more time playing […]

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January’s Sprouts Nature Notes

The first month of the new year has been a dazzling show of ice and snow. We were treated to two snow storms that left the Farmstead blanket with snow for weeks. This gave the Sprouts a chance to engage with water in a new way. Some of the Sprouts noticed that while some of […]

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January’s Littlest Learners Nature Notes

January has felt like our first cold month of winter. We experienced freezing temperatures and lots of snow! Ice crystals were a very popular discovery this month! Ice crystals are called ice needles and they form from groundwater that seeps out and meets the below-freezing air. We have fun collecting these and seeing how many […]

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