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Be careful when you step outside in early spring. These plants are starting to grow right under your feet! Look around and see what you can find! This plant is not as dangerous as it sounds! The name “Deadnettle” refers to the fact that the leaves look very similar to stinging nettle, but they do […]

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3 Winter “Water” Activities

Winter months bring new versions of water to explore: snow and ice. Try these three fun winter water activities with us! To catch and observe the best snowflakes, you have to plan ahead! Place a piece of black paper or thick fabric in the freezer before a big snow. When you want to catch snowflakes, […]

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Winter Scavenger Hunt

Grab your kiddos and head outside to find these three things in nature! How many can you find? There may not be many leaves or flowers to look at right now, but it is a great time to look for mushrooms! With fewer leaves to hide behind mushrooms are easier to spot. Keep an eye […]

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3 Winter Crafts

We know that keeping kids engaged in nature can be a struggle in the winter months. Here are three easy winter activities that keep them learning, creating, and experimenting in the colder months. Go on a nature walk to find crunchy leaves. Bring them back home to crunch them into small pieces. Draw a design […]

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Wait….listen… This is the perfect time of the year to stop & listen to the bird sounds around you. Here are 3 birds to keep an eye out for this March. While the majority of bird species are socially monogamous (have one mate), the red-winged blackbird is highly polygamous (has many mates) and fiercely territorial. […]

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  Identifying trees in the winter without leaves present can be very challenging! You need to use clues from the bark and stems to figure it out. One of the first clues to look for is whether the leaves have an alternate or an opposite arrangement (of course in the winter you are looking at […]

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    During each month, nature changes, morphs, grows, and evolves all around you. In our Noticing Nature series, we introduce you to 3 things to notice while you and your kids are outside. Here are the three things to notice in nature this February. During the winter, the Wineberry plant looks like a single […]

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