Wow! I can’t believe how fast this month has gone by! We are officially experiencing summer weather! May’s moon is called strawberry moon and it is all about abundance and joy as we dive into this growing season! We are seeing lots of strawberries ripe and ready for market around the farmstead. Flowers are blooming and our vegetables and herbs are in the ground and growing! Just in one month, we have been able to see so much growth in the herbs that the littlest learners planted! Friends around the farmstead have been feeling the joy and happiness around our school. Water play was a huge part of our days this month! Water play consisted of lots of friends working together to build trenches, new paths, dams, and waterfalls all in creek kitchen!
We listened to our bodies by drinking lots of water to keep our active bodies hydrated and replenished! Taking layers off was also very important! The days started off with a chill in the air and ended with friends in shorts and tank tops!
More insects were flying and crawling around this month. We saw lots of click beetles, bright green beetles, lots of black and red millipedes, so many beautiful butterflies, mayflies, mosquitos, so many ants, wasps, and lots of bees pollinating blooming flowers. We even got to see some hummingbirds drinking the nectar from our coral honeysuckle on campus!
As the warm weather continues we see more traces of wildlife living among the farmstead. We have spotted snakes sunbathing, birds feasting on worms, crawfish swimming in the creek, salamanders hiding under rocks, and lots of larvae growing in the creek! Hawks have been circling looking for food in our forest and we have heard lizards running through brush to find a sunny log to rest on. Spiders have also been a frequent sight. We have seen large wolf spiders, small black spiders, grass spiders, and even big fuzzy spiders that we think may be a type of jumping spider.
Summer is the time for storms and lots of rain! We have already experienced bright lightning strikes, loud thunder booms, and heavy rainfall. The littlest learners love to check our rain gauge after a rain storm to measure the amount of rainfall we received. Students know that rainfall is super important for our plants on the farmstead to grow! They also love rain because it equals lots of mud! Mud is fun to jump in, cover our bodies in, and make creations with!
We are so excited to see what another month of growth and life will look like on the farmstead!